All the information you need to succeed in healthcare fundraising
Program Basics
Clinician engagement
Data analytics, predictive modeling, and AI
Ethical and legal considerations
AHP member sample documents
Top CEO challenges and opportunities
Engaging your CEO in philanthropy
Engaging your Board in philanthropy
Major gift officer success
Major gifts program strategy
Benchmarking Basics
Predictive Modeling
Strategic Planning
Career Growth
Leadership and Coaching
Major gifts are a cornerstone of any fundraising program. These resources give you advice on how to structure and maintain a program that pays dividends.
Read: Overcome the challenges of becoming more relationship driven
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Watch: Overcome the challenges of becoming more relationship-driven
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What to look for in a gift officer, and how to make the position appealing
Deliver the right combination of information, inclusion, sense of impact, and recognition
Strategies for the case, staffing, internal relationships, volunteers, and accountability.
Targeted advice for establishing a major gift program with limited resources