Make your video an opportunity to say thank you to your hospital’s physicians and clinicians. We’ve seen an intensified focus on grateful patient giving in recent years. One way to encourage this type of giving is to demonstrate to patients how rewarding it is to say thank you. This format, shown in two videos below, takes grateful patient giving to the next level.
In “Infinite Tears of Gratitude” from Providence Health & Services – Oregon Region, caregivers read an anonymous thank-you note and are then surprised by a visit from the letter writer, a former patient or family member. Grab a tissue.
City of Hope’s “Nurses Read Mean(ingful) Tweets” is a fantastic take on Jimmy Kimmel Live’s segment of celebrities reading mean tweets. Instead of mean tweets, though, nurses read comments from patients recalling a special memory of one of their nurses going above and beyond to make them feel comfortable. It’s a creative way to leverage pop culture and connect with multiple audiences.
Be creative
You don’t have time to lay around and wait for an apple to hit you over the head and drop an idea. So instead, tell those gripping patient stories—but find a new lens to look through.
“120 Years of Can: Hailey’s Story” from Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare turns the expected script of a grateful patient spotlight on its ear by using a framing device of the family speaking directly to the patient.
Meanwhile, the BIG Outside Campaign shows very sick children, but instead of just telling their story, it gives them the ownership of the video. They’re the ones with banners asking the interview questions and shaping their request for a healing garden and playground.
There are many, many effective health care fundraising videos out there. They certainly take time and resources, but they also help drive results.