Around my table every night my husband and I ask our kids to share what they are grateful for today. Some nights it is a light homework load or excitement for an upcoming event. Other nights it is the joy they feel having beloved guests with us. Every night it is a moment for them to experience the power of reflecting on the truly good things in our lives. It brings each of us happiness to hear what the others say and connects us more deeply to one another.
Perhaps that is why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is a time for collective reflection on the things we have overcome this year, the things we have in our lives that are truly special, and the ways in which we are so fortunate.
This year, and every year, the team here at AHP is grateful for you. We are fortunate to work with people as generous and kind as each of you are. We are lucky to have such a supportive membership who give so openly to one another of their expertise and time. We are awestruck by the work you do every day to make your communities healthier, safer, and happier and are humbled to be able to support you to do it.
Gratitude is a powerful motivator, healer, and connector. Our wish for you this (American) Thanksgiving is the space and peace to reflect on the incredible work you have done this year and the quiet to feel gratitude in your own way.
Happy Thanksgiving!