2022 40 Under 40 Winners


Kaitlyn Kramer Reeves, CFRE
Philanthropy Advisor

Tidewell Foundation
Sarasota, Fl


Kaitlyn consistently raises $1,000,000 or more through the Tidewell Foundation's annual fund efforts, including a 260% increase in giving to Tidewell’s annual employee campaign.

During COVID-19, she raised funds for telehealth and virtual reality capabilities, exceeding goal by nearly 700 percent.

She earned her CFRE certification in May of 2022.

Kaitlyn volunteers for the Junior League of Sarasota, serving a term as their Community Research Chair, and for the Bradenton Dream Center, coordinating activities for elementary, middle, and high schoolers in the downtown Bradenton area.


Fun Fact:

The summer after my freshman year of college, I had the incredibly opportunity to study abroad in India! I was in a nonprofit management program, and it completely opened my eyes to the world of philanthropy and impact it can make.


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